Seeking Your Feedback: Compressed Gas CAD

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Compressed Gas Code Adoption Document (CAD) 2024

TSSA invites you to provide feedback on its publication of code adoption document (CAD) amendments for Compressed Gas. The Compressed Gas CAD is adopted by reference in O. Reg 213/01. The CAD adopts a series of national safety codes into regulation. This CAD was last updated and published on February 18, 2009 (Ref No. FS-143-09).

The opportunity to provide feedback will be open until June 7, 2024. Approximately one month after that, the CAD will be published and will be in effect within 60-days of publication.

National codes

TSSA is moving in a direction to harmonize its code requirements with other jurisdictions. This means less Ontario specific requirements. The following outlines the various national codes adopted by the CAD:

  • CSA B108.1 (2023 Edition) – Compressed Natural Gas Refuelling Stations Installation Code published by the Canadian Standards Association group (CSA);
  • CAN/BNQ 1784 (2022 Edition) – Canadian Hydrogen Installation Code published by the Bureau de Normalisation due Québec;
  • CSA B51 (2019 Edition) Part 3 – Compressed Natural Gas and Hydrogen Refuelling Station Pressure Piping Systems and Ground Storage Vessels published by the Canadian Standards Association group (CSA);
  • CSA B109.1 (2021 Edition)- Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Installation Code published by the CSA; and
  • CSA B401.1 (2021 Edition) – Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Maintenance Facilities published by the CSA.

Summary of Key Changes

The summary below highlights the notable changes from the last update of the Compressed Gas CAD in 2009:

Overview of changes

  • Annex A of B108.1-23 is adopted as normative (mandatory)
  • New code, B401.1, is adopted for vehicle conversion centres.
  • BNQ 1784-22 and B51-19 (part 3) has implications for hydrogen installations
  • Labelling requirements have changed under B109.1-21

You will find a copy of the draft CAD (2024), the current CAD (2009), and a summary of changes in the document section. Please review these prior to completing the survey.

Thank you in advance for your participation,


Compressed Gas Code Adoption Document (CAD) 2024

TSSA invites you to provide feedback on its publication of code adoption document (CAD) amendments for Compressed Gas. The Compressed Gas CAD is adopted by reference in O. Reg 213/01. The CAD adopts a series of national safety codes into regulation. This CAD was last updated and published on February 18, 2009 (Ref No. FS-143-09).

The opportunity to provide feedback will be open until June 7, 2024. Approximately one month after that, the CAD will be published and will be in effect within 60-days of publication.

National codes

TSSA is moving in a direction to harmonize its code requirements with other jurisdictions. This means less Ontario specific requirements. The following outlines the various national codes adopted by the CAD:

  • CSA B108.1 (2023 Edition) – Compressed Natural Gas Refuelling Stations Installation Code published by the Canadian Standards Association group (CSA);
  • CAN/BNQ 1784 (2022 Edition) – Canadian Hydrogen Installation Code published by the Bureau de Normalisation due Québec;
  • CSA B51 (2019 Edition) Part 3 – Compressed Natural Gas and Hydrogen Refuelling Station Pressure Piping Systems and Ground Storage Vessels published by the Canadian Standards Association group (CSA);
  • CSA B109.1 (2021 Edition)- Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Installation Code published by the CSA; and
  • CSA B401.1 (2021 Edition) – Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Maintenance Facilities published by the CSA.

Summary of Key Changes

The summary below highlights the notable changes from the last update of the Compressed Gas CAD in 2009:

Overview of changes

  • Annex A of B108.1-23 is adopted as normative (mandatory)
  • New code, B401.1, is adopted for vehicle conversion centres.
  • BNQ 1784-22 and B51-19 (part 3) has implications for hydrogen installations
  • Labelling requirements have changed under B109.1-21

You will find a copy of the draft CAD (2024), the current CAD (2009), and a summary of changes in the document section. Please review these prior to completing the survey.

Thank you in advance for your participation,